MotherMade’s laboratory is food factory licensed by the Food and
Environmental Hygiene Department of Hong Kong and your breastmilk is
handled with ISO-compliant pharmaceutical-grade equipment. The
laboratory is operated by PH.Ds with decades of experience in GMP bio-
manufacturing and DNA and peptide production optimization.
Trust us, we know the value of your precious breastmilk and we take our
responsibility seriously. At MotherMade, trained technicians follow
operating procedures that are designed to GMP standards. All elements
of the process – hygiene and sanitation, workflow and handling,
equipment and facility, quality controls – are inspected to maximize
safety and optimize quality.
MotherMade’s laboratory is food factory licensed by the Food and
Environmental Hygiene Department of Hong Kong and your breastmilk is
handled with ISO-compliant pharmaceutical-grade equipment. The
laboratory is operated by PH.Ds with decades of experience in GMP bio-
manufacturing and DNA and peptide production optimization.
Trust us, we know the value of your precious breastmilk and we take our
responsibility seriously. At MotherMade, trained technicians follow
operating procedures that are designed to GMP standards. All elements
of the process – hygiene and sanitation, workflow and handling,
equipment and facility, quality controls – are inspected to maximize
safety and optimize quality.